Three tips to turn your Couple date into a real-life match
Alright, Couplers. Last week we talked about habits you should avoid when speed-dating on Couple, so it’s only right that this week we discuss the behaviors you should embrace to maximize your mutual matches. As with any app, it comes down to showcasing your best self while utilizing the platform strategically. In our minds, there are three main tips for having a more successful Couple event:
1) Brush up on your speed-dating basics.
2) Use Couple Coins to your advantage.
3) Work the mingle rooms between dates.
Check out the “why” behind these strategies below, and then put them into action. Good luck out there, Couplers. Your matches await!
1) Brush up on speed-dating basics
We’ve talked a lot about speed-dating best practices here on the blog ... everything from icebreaker tips to chat strategy, safety recs to bad-date navigation, and beyond. If you’re new to the Couple dating experience, we highly recommend you give the blog archives a quick scan before attending your first event. You can also preview how to use the platform itself by watching the tutorial video that plays before every event.
The long and the short of it is that when you only have three minutes to get to know someone, details matter. User testimonials consistently confirm that the best-rated dates are the ones with people who seem invested in and comfortable with the experience. Practicing on the platform obviously gets you closer to perfect, but for newcomers, visiting the links above is a great first step toward scoring more Couples and Connects.
2) Use Couple Coins strategically throughout your speed-dating event
For those new to the Couple online dating experience, Couple Coins are an in-app currency that unlocks some fun (and strategic!) experience upgrades. For example, you can request a date with a specific attendee, unlock icebreaker questions if you find yourself tongue-tied, or send a virtual gift to your dating partner (which they receive right before deciding if they want to match with you). All of these options are available to enhance your experience and increase your success on the platform.
How do you accrue Couple Coins? Well, for a limited amount of time, users will receive 500 Couple Coins just for attending an event. But as of today, you can also buy bundles directly. While it’s certainly not necessary to purchase Coins – you can have a ton of fun and find love on the platform without spending a dime – event data shows that using them can improve your match odds.
For example, check out this fun stat: a dater who sends a gift to their partner is 15% more likely to get a match than a dater who doesn’t. (And those odds go way up for men who send gifts to women – they’re 40% more likely to get a match than those who don’t bother!) The moral of the story is that in the right circumstances, digging into your Couple Coin cache can help move the needle in your favor. It might be worth the small premium to get set up with someone who catches your eye at an event, or to bail yourself out of an awkward silence, or to send a clear message to your date that you’re into them. Spend wisely, friends!
3) Hang in the mingle rooms to win over your speed dates
Did you know that Couple users have the ability to edit Couple Calls until all of the dating rounds have ended? It’s true! Let’s say you had a speed date with someone you really liked, but for whatever reason you were distracted during your convo and didn’t present your best self. You’re pretty sure your partner Cut you, which of course totally sucks.
But don’t despair. Float around the mingle rooms between dates and perhaps you’ll get a second stab at a convo with your crush … one in which you can showcase your true self, making them rethink their decision to Cut you. As long as the dating rounds haven’t ended, they can pull up their dating card and change their decision to match you.
And lest you think this scenario is 100% unlikely, here are the event stats: on average, Couple users change about 24% of their Couple Calls per event, and in the majority of cases they’re changed to Couple or Connect! There is hope even after a bad date, so keep your head up and let that personality shine.