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Woman sitting at computer while on an online speed date and toasting her date with a glass of champagne


Skeptics share what sold them on Couple speed dating

M.J. Santos   |   Fri, 14 Oct 2022

Here at The Vibe, we love talking to former speed-dating skeptics who’ve since become Couple converts. Not only does it let our team know that we’re on the right track with our approach to online dating and human connection, but it also provides great intel for singles who are on the fence about whether they should give virtual speed dating a try themselves.

If you find yourself in that "do I or don't I?" camp, this article is for you.

We’ve rounded up some of our favorite community feedback that sheds light on some common misconceptions about Couple speed dating. Give it a read and see if it moves the needle one way or another. If it convinces you to give Couple a try, sign up for one of our free beta events here. And if you need more convincing, we’d be happy to give you a personal pitch. Send us an email and we’ll chat!

At the end of the day, whichever dating app you choose has to work for you. Choose wisely, stay safe, and have fun finding love. And don’t worry ... Couple’s got you when you’re ready to party with your plus-ones.

“Online speed dating actually works. Go figure!”

“My biggest surprise? Online speed dating actually works. Go figure! I really had my doubts going into the first event. I wasn’t sure if there would be people my age or from my area who shared the same interests as me. On top of that, I’m bi, and I didn’t know if it was a totally straight scene. But Couple has done me right with all my matches so far, and I’ve been set up with both men and women. All of my dates have been fun and chill and positive, and I haven’t been to a single event where I didn't mutually match with at least one person. I’ve also had several in-person dates with people I’ve met at events, and I’m excited to see where things go. I feel like I'll get even more matches as the events get bigger, but I have no complaints as a beta user. I never thought I would love this, but here I am writing a rave review.”

– Jemma, 24

“Speed dating online is a really social experience.”

“I had no idea that a Couple event would offer more than just matching me with dates. Turns out speed dating online is a really social experience. I met a bunch of cool people in the mingle rooms who I’d like to hang out with in real life. The trivia tables were fun and kinda hilarious, and this other guy and I broke out our guitars and put on a little show for everyone at the host table. I didn’t expect the event to be so interactive. Making new buds isn’t always easy as an adult, but it felt pretty natural connecting over the platform. I wouldn't be surprised if I met up with some Couple friends in person soon. That’s probably what surprised me most. I thought I’d only meet my matches, but instead it was more like a party where everyone in attendance could interact and get to know each other. Don’t get me wrong, the dates were awesome too, but I’d go back for the mingle rooms even if I knew all my dates would be bad.”

– Chris, 25

“Meeting people on video dates was way more awesome than awkward.”

“I was kind of dreading my Couple event, tbh. I’ve never done a video date let alone online speed dating, and I assumed it would be really hard to come up with things to talk about with so many people. But I was surprisingly wrong. Meeting people on video dates was way more awesome than awkward. It felt like a real date versus a video call or something similar. I actually found myself requesting Double Time with a couple of people. It was also reassuring to know that Couple offers icebreaker suggestions if you freeze and can't think of anything to say. All in all a great time, and something I’d definitely do again.”

– Tanya, 26

“Couple was a welcome break from the dating-app grind.”

“I was feeling totally over online dating when a friend recommended I check out virtual speed dating. I was pretty resistant at first since I’ve been to some speed-dating events IRL that have sucked. But ultimately I’m really glad I went. Couple was a welcome break from the dating-app grind. I’m sick of looking through a bunch of filtered profile pics all the time. You really never know if the person you see is the person you’re gonna meet, there’s tons of ghosting that happens, and in general it can be kind of a slog. But at my Couple event, I actually met my matches right away and saw them live on camera. We were able to have a real conversation, and I Coupled with a few people who genuinely seemed like they could be a good fit for me. The whole experience was refreshingly real and very fun. Highly recommend.”

– Byron, 29

“Couple makes online dating easy for lazy people like me.”

“I don’t know if this makes me high-maintenance, but I find that most dating apps require way too much of my time and energy for too little payout. It takes sooooo much work to get to the point of actually meeting someone in real life, which in my mind is where everything should start from in the first place. Isn’t that how it used to be? Have a date and if it goes well, conversation continues from there? Anyway, I was surprised how easy Couple makes online dating for lazy people like me. LOL. I just show up at the event and I’m already at the date stage of meeting people. No effort from me is required to get there. If a date doesn’t go great, oh well. Three minutes of my time were wasted instead of hours. I can get behind that. And an added bonus is that I don’t even have to leave my house to have the trial first date. It's a great way to meet and screen people. If we hit it off on video, then it feels more worth the effort to meet in person.”

– Leslie, 25


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