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Two singles -- a man and a woman -- meet while bicycling down a New York City sidewalk


Ten unexpected places to make an IRL match in the Big Apple

Andy Phillips   |   Fri, 3 May 2024

Navigating the dating scene in New York City is like trying to find a rent-controlled apartment with a view: it's challenging but not impossible. Whether you're looking to light some sparks or just mingle with some single Pringles, here's your not-so-standard roundup of NYC hotspots to meet your potential plus-one.

1. The Subway series. Yes, the L train during rush hour might not scream romance, but hear me out. Those delays could give you a perfect opener to chat up the comely commuter trapped alongside of you. Bonus points if you can coordinate a meet-cute between Union Square and Bedford Ave.

2. High Line strolls. This elevated park is more than just a pathway with views -- it's a singles catwalk where eye contacts are made. Grab a coffee, act like you care about plant species, and start a conversation about the wild "art" installations.

3. Art installations. Speaking of art, it's no secret that New York boasts an immersive and interactive art scene, so hit up a place like ARTECHOUSE or visit one of the various pop-up installations around the city for a chance to meet a fellow critic.

4. Dog parks. Don't have a dog? No problem. You can still snag a bench at a park like Tompkins Square Dog Run. It's like Tinder but better: you can tell a lot about someone by how they treat their furry friend. And even if you don't meet a human you'd like to cuddle, can you really call it a loss if you get to hang with a bunch of cute canines?

5. Improv classes. At places like Upright Citizens Brigade, you can meet someone who's as funny as you're trying to be. Laughter is an aphrodisiac, so get your fill while acting!

6. Rooftop yoga classes. Al fresco yoga sessions aren't only great for your flexibility, they're also great for mingling with your fellow fit and fab New Yorkers. Try “Om”-ing your way into someone's heart with the city skyline as your backdrop.

7. Bookstore readings. Looking for some literary love? Hit up Strand bookstore when they have readings or signings. It's a great way to meet well-read singles who can appreciate a good metaphor.

8. Vinyl record shops. If music's more your thing, browse through some records, brush up on your obscure band knowledge, and impress someone with your taste in vintage rock. Rough Trade, now located in Rockefeller Center, is a great place to start.

9. The Staten Island Ferry. Have an hour to kill? Ride the ferry back and forth a couple of times. It's free, offers great views, and you might meet someone who’s also into cheap thrills and sea breezes.

10. Whole Foods Aisle 5. Don't knock the grocery love story. This isn't just about avocados and almond milk. The Chelsea location has a wine bar. Wine + grocery shopping = flirting galore. Give it a shot and report back. Cheers!

In NYC, the possibilities are endless, and so are the opportunities to meet someone special. So, grab your MetroCard, a good book, or your yoga mat, and start exploring the urban jungle. Who knows? Your next great date might be just a subway ride away.


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