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Image of's Dating Details card. The card displays data from a user's online dating event: number of dates, number of matches, who those matches are, how close the user is to completing their Compatibility Vector, their "party personality" (a measure of their generosity, positivity, and popularity), and the five themes they discussed most on their dates.


Get insight into your dating game with this new Couple feature

The Vibe staff   |   Fri, 24 Nov 2023

This week The Vibe is excited to highlight Couple's Dating Details, a fun post-event feature launching on the platform next Thursday.

If you’ve ever walked away from an event wondering how you did – “Did I talk too much and blab about my job for too long? Was I social enough in the mingle rooms? Should I have sent that person a gift to let them know I was into them?” – you’re going to be a big fan of this addition.

It works like this: after every Couple party you attend, you'll receive a Dating Details card, i.e., a personalized graphic summarizing your experience at the event. Way more than a generic FYI, your Dating Details provide at-a-glance insight into what you talked about on your dates, how you behaved, how others perceived you, and more. In other words, this one simple card can help you understand what is (or isn’t) working as you continue to date on Couple and IRL ... and it's all thanks to Couple's amazing AI.

Check out everything your Dating Details reveal:

Tally of your dates and mutual matches. Peep your Dating Details to see how many dates you went on and how many mutual matches you made.

Quick view of your matches, virtual gifting, and/or participation levels. If you made mutual Couples or Connects at the event, your card will list who you matched with along with your overall chemistry score (the higher the score, the more compatible you are). If you made one or fewer matches, you will see some other data to consider -- data that has a surprising impact on one's match rate -- such as the number of virtual gifts you sent/received or a breakdown of how much you talked versus how much your dates did.

Update on your Compatibility Vector progress. Your Dating Details card also displays how close you are to receiving your Compatibility Vector, which is a detailed, AI-compiled assessment of your personality and partner preferences. Couple AI generates this Vector after you’ve dated on the platform long enough for it to learn you well, and it allows Couple to match you better ... and outside of events!

Overview of your “party personality.” Couple’s AI will give you a sense of your party personality as measured at the event. Your card will provide a score reflecting how generous you are (based on your conversations, virtual gifting, Couple Calls, and more), how positive your verbal (and other) expressions are when socializing and dating on the platform, and how popular you are with other users (based on things like date requests, virtual gifts, Couple Calls, and more).

Glimpse of your go-to conversation topics And finally, your Dating Details will show you which topics you and your dates discussed the most during your event.

Your Dating Details will be delivered via text and email the morning after your event, and the card will be downloadable and shareable. (Kind of a cool memento to have should one of your mutual matches develop into something more serious, right? Get those scrapbooks ready!)

If you're a data lover who's single and looking to make real connections, sign up for next week's event to get your first Dating Details card, and then let us know what you think of the feature!


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